A friend of mine posted this article on Facebook and I found it to be quite entertaining.
I am not sure what the logistics behind the grade changes, but I do know that this is not uncommon. Many educators often fuss about the pressure that is put upon them to change grades and if they are not changed, the teacher may be reprimanded.
It is a sad day in the field of education when teachers are unable to teach students and assess them fairly. I often wonder what many business owners and managers would do if their employees would come to work 100% of the time, do 50-0% of the work and collect 100% of their paycheck. This is what happens in many public schools in the inner city.
Then there are so many people who are not educators who feel like they can tell the educators how to do their job. Oftentimes these individuals don't have a clue as to what will work.
I hope there was an actual glitch in the system as this school, but if there wasn't, it may get ugly.