Friday, July 12, 2013

1, 2, 3, 4, What the hell we meeting for?

I have noticed whenever something becomes a (I'm trying to figure out how to say this) pressing issue/concern, many of the Black Leaders (don't know who selected them to lead me) have these summits and conventions to talk or discuss them. After they have convened, I rarely hear about the actions they are taking to attempt to fix some of these problems.

I'm sure many of us have been in meetings that lasted forever and people came up with some great idea but they never came to pass. And we wondered why we were meeting all day and all night and nothing came of it.

Yeah, that's how I feel about many of the issues in the Black community. We meet but rarely follow-up with action. In my opinion, we need to work on having a realistic action plan. We know Black males are being incarcerated in large numbers, how do we work on reducing that? We know many Black students are functioning several grade levels behind, how do we remedy that? We know many parents do not know how to parent because they were just babes when they had their children, how do we remedy that?

Too many of us are too busy getting "turnt up" and working towards acquiring material wealth, we have forgotten about our brothers and sisters who may lack knowledge.

Are we our brothers keeper?