Friday, August 28, 2009

A few things I believe all men should know when it comes to dating

In a previous post, I mentioned my inability to find a reliable date for some upcoming functions. I know some people may wonder what's the big deal, but sometimes a lady requires an escort. I am happy to announce, that this has been resolved. This entire situation got me to thinking about some of the things I believe all men need to know when it comes to dating women.

1. When you are interested in a woman, if you don't have yourself together please do everyone a favor and don't even attempt to pursue the woman. Many women don't/won't wait for you to get it together, especially if you are over a certain age.

2. Don't wait too late. There is a saying that goes something like "Study long, study wrong". A lot of guys are like a little kid in the candy store when it comes to dating. Some men act like kids in the candy store when it comes to dating. They get so excited with all the different selections, they don't know how to narrow it down to just one.

3. Start showing a little maturity. I can't speak for all women, but I know quite a few who can't stand immature males. Know when enough is enough.

4. Second chances don't come around too often. If a woman allows you to come back into her life, don't do the fool and repeat the same mistake(s) twice. What men also need to realize is, most women have a window in which she will allow a man to come back and after that window, he can hang it up!

5. Be a man! I think this is the most important tidbit to know. Women don't want to have to try and rear an adult male into a man. If you have reached a certain age and you don't know what a man is supposed to do or how he's supposed to act, you need to get a book or ask a man. Women shouldn't have to tell a man to hold the door for her, send her flowers just because, or any other thing like that.


  1. @ $.02 - Take it slow - enjoy every moment together.

    Just a little advice from single women looking for a mate.

    Check out his relationships with other females, especially mother his mother and sister(s). If he doesn't treat them with respect, why should he be any different?

    Study the mans actions, not his words. Is he a RANCHER or a FARMER? Does he nurture things for the long term or is he a short term person. Either way, know what you're getting.

    Don't waste another day with a man who you can't have. You know who and what I mean.

    Don't corner a man into a marriage timetable. If you aren't on the same wavelength, he won't meet your timetable anyway.

    You can't change a grownup. They will change IF they desire.

    We all have baggage. Count your bags before the relationship leaves the airport.

    Be friends. Tell jokes. Laugh. Play musical instruments together and sing songs (even off-key). Play sports together, like tennis, golf. Have another activity to argue about. Continue to date and send cards and flowers. Send "thinking of you" text messages and phone calls during the day. This will keep the relationship lively and fertile.

    married to TMB since 1989

  2. @AWB, thank you so much for you wisdom and insight, I really appreciate it:)
