Sunday, November 28, 2010

Don't believe the hype.

In the 90's, Public Enemy made a song titled "Don't Believe the Hype." The lyrics of this song challenges a lot of the things the media presents as truth. This has been and probably will always be a concern especially when it comes to the Black community. So many Black people have come to believe what the media presents and they never think to challenge it.

One example of this is the "recession." I am so tired of hearing Black people scream there's a recession. Many of us have lived a recession our entire lives yet we did not know that is what is was called. We thought this was our way of living. We have succumbed to the media and its brainwashing that is so eloquently done that we don't know if we're coming or going. I am not discounting that people are facing lean economic times but there are a lot of people who are profiting during this recession. We need to get real about the truth. A lot of people are profiting from others misfortunes.

I believe it is time for Black people to wake up and smell the cocoa beans. Yes, there are a lot of people who are having a difficult time finding employment; however maybe it is time for use to create our own wealth. We have always been resourceful and the time is long overdue for us to start tapping into those resources. If we continue to wait on others to do it for us, we'll probably continue in this "recession" for years to come. It's time to wake up and get moving!

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