Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Please allow us to give thanks before we shove the snowmen down our throats!

I have noticed this year the Christmas decorations in the stores have appeared earlier than usual. I know they always seem to appear right after Halloween, but it seems like as soon as midnight hit, the Christmas decorations were up! It's like the stores hit a button and they magically appeared.

There are so many people who are going to go further into debt during this holiday season. They will buy gifts for children who probably could give a care about the "stuff." I wonder why so many people put some much money into a few hours on one day. I always ask people who do this, what happens if the person they were buying all this stuff for suddenly died? What would they do? Would it even matter at that point?

I think a lot of people focus on the commercialism of the holiday season and they forget the true meaning or reason for this time of year. Maybe we should focus on what's really important and learn to celebrate those people we love on a daily basis. I am grateful to be alive and I know tomorrow is not promised to anyone. I make sure I tell those who are near and dear to me how I feel about them on a regular basis.

This holiday season, think carefully before you go spending money you don't have. I went to a furniture store the other day and the owner said something to me that made a lot of sense. He said " Why finance furniture? It makes no sense." I thought about that and he is correct. There are certain things we have to finance such as a home or a car, but why does furniture have to be one of them? Think about this as you go out shopping. Some items are not worth buying if you don't have the disposable income to pay for it that day.

Let us give thanks before we start crying out for the Almighty to save us from our debt.

Start planning for your future and stop living for the moment.

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