Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Rules work better when you are consistent.

The other day at work, one of the deans made an announcement over the intercom about the attire for the students. I am wondering who felt the need to make this announcement in February and school has been in session since September.

I sometimes think the higher ups actually believe that changing the rules in the middle of the game isn't such a bad idea. WRONG! The message that this sends to the students is we're disorganized as a school. Maybe they don't realize that children like and need structure. As adults, we need to show our children how to become responsible members of society and changing the rules as you are playing the game is not the way to go.

I also believe children need real life consequences. I've been in the same school for a few years with the same principal and various assistant principals. Some of the rules that were put into place a few years ago now seem to be extinct. It seems like anything goes now and the students who were here for the rule changes are taking advantage of this lack of consistency. Some of the students who have been here for a few years have noticed this and they take advantage of this.

It is really unfortunate that the adults are unable to remain consistent when it comes down to rules and consequences. Part of the education process is to teach students how to become productive members of society and when we don't give them the proper guidance, they fail. What ever happened to parental responsibility? I guess that baby was thrown out with the bath water.

1 comment:

  1. Heard this message at my school concerning attire. Also heard messages encouraging students not to be in the halls after the tardy bell - else they would be sent to the attendance office. Somehow, this is the message we should instill during the first week of school.

    Question? How does a student cut a class on a closed campus? Where can the student go?
