Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Some things may never change.

Last year a few co-workers and I went out to lunch. While we were eating, one of my co-workers mentioned that another co-worker drives a BMW. When no one said anything, she said it again.

A few weeks ago, there was a professional development day and many of the teachers were out of the building for other meetings. When it was time to go to lunch a co-worker (different from the first one) mentioned that the same lady drove a BMW and then proceeded to say another on had a Cadillac SUV. Then one said, "Yea, but where do they live?"

There are many issues I have with these "observations". First, it's no one's business how someone spends their earnings. No one talks about them for spending $300 on a pair of shoes or jeans. I think what really got me was the sound of angst in their voices.

Today in our meeting, a co-worker was announcing his birthday which is next Wednesday. I announced that he'd bring the treat (similar to what is done in elementary school). He and I were having this little banter about it and one of my co-workers said that he should bring the treats because he's the only department member who drives a Mercedes. He replied to her that she could drive one as well but she has opted not to do so. I was SO happy he said something to her. Maybe this will shut her up and her friends.

This really disturbs me because it is just another reminder that some things have not and may never change. There are still white people who claim to be very liberal minded yet they are afraid when Blacks have things nicer than them. All of these co-workers drive foreign cars and pay exorbitant amounts for clothes that sometimes look like they got them from a flea market. And they have the audacity to question how others spend their money. Unbelievable!


  1. Olga, I am always interested in what people drive. I didn't mean to imply that black people can't drive nice cars. I apologize for offending you.
